Virtual Showroom Style: Classic Contemporary

View Space

This space provides an expansive setting to showcase your products and solutions. With an abundance of wood defining divisional parameters as well as flooring and beams, this classic contemporary space combines traditional and modern elements. Resembling an elegant multi-level warehouse style feel, the space features exquisite, terraced platforms, striking lighting, and symmetrical window cut outs to create a sense of openness and connection with the outdoors. Perfect for showcasing traditional and sophisticated products.


Showroom Controls

  • Click and drag with your mouse to change view
  • Click arrows to move inside the space
  • Click on buttons for options/multimedia content




All time indications of the media content in the virtual environment


Guided Tour

Discover a variety of modes to interact with showroom visitors

VR Glasses

VR Ready

Use an optional VR set to enhance the showroom experience


Smart Tags

Incorporate information tags that can be linked to your website, download brochure, etc.


Data Analytics

Access and leverage data, including clicks and heatmaps to gain customer behaviour insights

Book Your Tour Today!

Schedule your tour and see how Tektus can help you showcase your products at a fraction of the cost of photography or video with stunning results.